Monday, July 30, 2007

Genesis of Necosia

Like all things which exist they have a beginning with a never too certain end. After all what would be the point in existence if you knew how and when you were going to die? The Great King once said, "The purpose of life is simply to live, as you have no way to know how you will die."

Some say the genesis of Necosia was a matter of surmounting the impossible with the power of love. While others will recount how the first tribal formations came together only to fall prey to infighting and pettiness. Which simply gives light to how some see the mere existence of this great nation as act of grace. Necosia was formed as a result of regional diplomatic tensions. The bulk of these tensions related to an inability to effectivly manage trade, financial, and social policy reponsibilities. Responsibilities which were leaving the nascent people of Necosia more often than not at war with each other.